Olatunde Joseph Enitan Steps Down from FOGSU National Presidential Race, Endorses Comrade Amao Jeremiah

Press Conference Speech
By Olatunde Joseph Enitan P.C. Balogun Josmart
Distinguished members of FOGSU National, respected leaders, comrades, and esteemed members of the press,
Good day to you all. I deeply appreciate your presence here today as I address a matter of great importance concerning my ambition for the position of FOGSU National President.
Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey. Your encouragement, belief, and commitment to my vision for FOGSU National have been truly inspiring. However, after careful reflection and consideration of the dynamics surrounding this race, I have made a decision that I believe is in the best interest of our union, myself, and the collective progress of FOGSU National.
Leadership requires wisdom and the ability to step aside when circumstances dictate. After assessing the current political landscape, I have decided to step down from my aspiration to become FOGSU National President. This decision was not made lightly, and I sincerely apologize if it disrupts any plans or expectations you may have had.
While I am confident in my ability to serve and lead, I also recognize that unity and the collective progress of FOGSU must come first. This step allows me to prioritize the broader interests of our union and ensure that we remain focused on advancing the welfare of all our members.
In stepping down, I have chosen to fully support Comrade Amao Jeremiah, the current Financial Secretary. After extensive discussions and evaluation, I am confident in his ability to lead and represent the interests of FOGSU National effectively. I urge all of you to extend the same trust and support to him as you have shown me.
Additionally, if there are other capable candidates you believe can carry the mantle of leadership and represent FOGSU National with excellence, I encourage you to come forward. My DM is open to receive your suggestions and input as we work together to ensure a seamless transition and a united front.
This decision does not signify the end of my involvement with FOGSU. I remain committed to the ideals and growth of this great union and will continue to serve in any capacity where I can make a meaningful impact. My resolve to see FOGSU succeed remains unshaken, and I look forward to contributing to its future in new ways.
Thank you all for your understanding, your support, and your commitment to the progress of FOGSU National. Together, we will continue to build a union that uplifts all its members and serves as a beacon of excellence.
May God bless FOGSU, and may God bless us all.
Thank you.