IELTS Increases Test Fee(New Price)
We would like to inform you that there has been a review of our IELTS fees. The updated fee for the IELTS range of tests administered by the British Council will take effect from March 1, 2024, for all tests scheduled on or after this date.
The new fees will be:
IELTS on Computer Academic and General Training Modules: ₦266,000*
IELTS on Paper Academic and General Training Modules: ₦256,500*
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI): ₦285,500*
Life Skills: ₦249,000*
*The above fees will be subject to review based on the prevailing market dynamics.
The change in fees is due to the evolving market dynamics and increased costs in the delivery of our exams.
This will enable us to continue to offer a wide range of services and comprehensive support to enable you achieve your goals.
We will continue to provide free preparation materials like the IELTS Ready Premium (IRP) to support our test takers.
Thank you for choosing the British Council.